Improvers Acro Yoga Classes at Alcheme

Starts Wedneday 3rd April 2024

A weekly class for improvers and intermediates focused on developing your fundamental transitions, core flows and washing machine sequences.

Take your acro yoga skills to the next level this spring

If you're looking to progress from beginner to intermediate, this class is for you. Each week we'll learn a different flow, washing machine or skill to lay a foundation for more advanced acro yoga. We'll focus on the most well-known and useful L-Basing washing machines and sequences to build you the skills to take your practice to the next level - whether your goal is more fun at jams or to move towards high level skills! Note, during this class you will benefit from focusing on either basing/flying to get the most out of it.

What you need to know

Each session will be an hour-and-a-half of acro-yoga goodness focused on a different flow, sequence or washing machine.

This is an improvers’ class, so you will need some basic acro yoga skills (check out the Beginners’ Course if you’d like to learn them first!) such as bird, throne, side-star and star, as well as familiarity with one or two basic transitions. Contact Kwame if you’re unsure.

No mat or partner needed - just turn up with a smile and a can-do attitude.

Meet your acro yoga teachers

Kwame & Georgie are a pair of acro yogis based in South London. They both base, fly and love getting inverted. Two techies by day, when they aren't upside down and lifting people up, you can find them sipping coffee and designing digital experiences out front in the café here at Alcheme. Kwame's background is in Yoga teaching, Gymnastics and Chinese Martial arts and Georgie brings bouldering and climbing experience into the mix - making for a well rounded teaching team.

Book Your Place

Classes are £20 per session for drop-in or £100 to book the entire 6-week block.
Book using the scheduler below.

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