W H A T ’ S N E W

Upcoming Workshops, Courses & Events


Sail into a new year feeling bright, energised & connected to your community, with weekly Yogalates classes in Surbiton.

Breathe With Leigh

Breathwork is one of the most powerful, self-healing modalities proven to reduce stress, improve your health and energy levels, and positively impact your mental well-being. In this workshop, we will be working with a therapeutic form of breathwork called 'conscious connected breathwork.' This is a safe, full-bodied breathing pattern that energises our whole body and helps us tap into our body's innate healing wisdom.

Through the portal of the breath, we move beyond our conscious 'thinking' mind and gain access to the deep subconscious mind - our operating system where we hold self-limiting beliefs, programmes and unresolved emotional baggage from our past. From this space, we give all of our cells, organs and major systems of the body an opportunity to release physical, emotional and energetic blockages (that so often manifest as physical pain, mental disturbances and dis-ease) and come back into a state of balance and harmony.

Lavendar oaks healing

Presents - Sound healing and meditation

Sound healing, as provided by Lavender Oaks Healing, is a therapeutic approach that utilizes sound and vibrations to promote relaxation, balance, and overall well-being. It is based on the understanding that sound can have a profound effect on our physical, emotional, and spiritual states.

The underlying principle of sound healing is that our bodies are composed of vibrating energy, and when this energy is disrupted or imbalanced, it can lead to physical or emotional disharmony. By using sound frequencies and vibrations, Lavender Oaks Healing seeks to restore balance and promote the body's innate ability to heal itself.

It's important to note that sound healing is considered a complementary therapy and should not replace conventional medical treatments. It can be a valuable addition to one's holistic wellness routine and may provide relaxation, stress relief, and a deeper connection to oneself.